Contact Info
AIT has the expertise and manpower to provide end-to-end call center solutions
like Inbound, Outbound, Chat, E-mail, and Multi-Channel Digital support across all
social media networks. The company also specializes in rendering comprehensive and
niche support services for e-commerce via chat, email, and contact centre’s providing
both online and offline support, tracking status, returns, and refunds, grievance
redressals, logistics, etc.
The contact centre offerings are unique in their value additions and tower over
the rest in the customized IVR solutions that are designed and built based on the in-
depth understanding of the client industry, operations, needs, and requirements. The
IVR is superior in functionality and intuitive to differentiate between support and sales
and route the calls accordingly for faster turnaround times, and for high quality and
satisfying caller experience.
AIT has been rendering exceptional e-commerce call centre solutions and is
today a name to reckon with in the industry as a “Reliable and Value-Added Service
Provider”. It has the capability of taking over the entire operations beginning at
General Enquiry, shopping assistance through to returns, logistics and delivery. In
addition to Inbound, Outbound calls are also placed to customers for status updates,
information gathering, etc.
With the customers demand for quality on an upward swing and with shorter
time to market cycles, the need for value creation and high-end business expertise is
more pronounced than before necessitating the need for dedicated KPO services. As
part of its KPO, AIT offers core information-related business services like conducting
research, information gathering, business and market research for industries like
Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Finance, Clinical Research, R & D, etc.